Tourism Tourism Economics Travel business


ENTREPRENEURSHIP: The concept of entrepreneurship is thought differently in several contexts. Entrepreneur may be a person of who invents change and anyone who wants to figure for fulfilling his or her dreams. Scholars have defined the term over a period of your time in numerous ways as per their suitability and concept. for outlining entrepreneurship […]


Tourism and Governance
Tourism Tourism Economics Travel business

Tourism and Governance

Governance is a process of steering coordinated activities among public, private and social players in the “tourism system” to make collaborations stronger and effective. Hence, tourism is a segment with activities that comprise of various direct and indirect interrelationships and linkages among different types of players and representatives coordinating in the making of leisure goods

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Economic Impact
Tourism Tourism Economics

Economic Impact of Tourism

Economic Impact of Tourism: All standard impact analysis related to tourism considers the direct, indirect and induced impacts related to flows of money occurring due to tourist spending. The direct effects are called the primary impact of tourism while the indirect and induced impacts are called the secondary impact of tourism. The total economic impact

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Econimics, Economy
Tourism Tourism Economics

Tourism Economics

Tourism has developed into a main sector of the world economy and has added a major workforce worldwide. Tourism Economics is very important to study. It has been constructing an innovative and important impact on the global economic scenario. Tourism has been recognized as the main export industry in the world. The multidimensional face of

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