PROPERTY & INSURANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Technology revolutionized the travel world and these tedious, lengthy processes were given away once the CRS or computerized reservation systems were invented. Everything was accessible to the agent at a click of a button. Often it was the live inventory that the agent was getting hold of.
Discussing automation and CRSs it makes it mandatory to mention Property
Management Systems in the context too. PMS’s birth could be traced to the eighties. PMS function is to attend to the following aligning and making a communication bridge between the basic functions of front office, assisting sales, helping in planning and reporting too.
The otherwise non automated processes like booking of the guests, noting the details of the guests, handling online reservations, noting point of sales, registering charges, event costing, sales and marketing reports, human resources activities (examples payroll, staff forecasting, labor turnover etc.) are aligned or interwoven into one. It often is connected to third party systems like Computerized Reservation System.
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With advancement in the technology and features like check-in being done online, virtual concierge systems, electronic room service, guest-hotel interface, PMS have a bigger responsibility to play. The guests often have an app option or even if not they can use it through their hand-held devices. An trustworthy Property Management Services can easily tackles the average daily rate, occupancy rate, inventory, food and beverages management, stock controls, logistics etc.
Computerized Reservation System is also extended for travel insurance. The question arises why travel insurance is a must. The need for insurance in first stage is in case if the journey is stopped or cancelled. This cancellation may be due to a disease, natural calamity at origin or destination, death, or may be because of wellness issue.
Medical emergencies often are covered by travel insurance. Travel Insurance includes the flight issues like cancellation, crashes, accidents etc. Even the bag losses are included and covered by the insurance.
Also read Computerized Reservation System (CRS)