Goals and objective of sustainable tourism development

Goals and objective of sustainable tourism development:

  • Conservation and Protection of the natural Environment, natural resources and the heritage of the local community: Sustainable tourism development aims at protection of the natural environment and the natural resources and the cultural heritage for a longer period of time, so that full utilisation of the available resources can be done.

  • Providing the basic requirements of the local community and raising the standards of living: Sustainable tourism development also looks after the requirement of the the locals of a particular area and also helps in the increasing the income level of the locals and further helps in raising the standards of the host community
  • Applying the principle of justice at the level of a present generation, as well as the coming generations in order to use the environmental resources and distribute the income:Sustainable tourism development also helps in the distribution of the income amongst the locals and ensures proper utilisation of the the available natural resources.

Also read Emergence of Sustainable Tourism

  • Providing standards of environmental accounting and control over the environmental tourism: Sustainable tourism development also ensures the control over the impacts of tourism on the environment and also keeps a check on the standards of environmental accounting 
  • Improvement of the basic environment and the development of services in local areas: Sustainable tourism totally focuses on the improvement of the basic natural environment through sustainable tourism practices, protection of environment is a principle concern for sustainable tourism development,it also ensures development of various services for the host/local communities at various destination all across the globe which are involved in Tourism. 

Also read Sustainable Tourism

  • Creating a climate for investment to provide income and work for the local communities: Sustainable tourism development also focuses on providing opportunities for creating a climate or conditions wherein the local community can invest, which would further provide opportunities for generating income and employment (work) for the local community.
  • Developing the environmental awareness among tourists, workers and local communities: Sustainable tourism development concentrates on various awareness programmes amongst the different tourists travelling across the globe and amongst the workers, stakeholders, local communities involved in the Tourism activities across the different parts of the world.

Also read Indigenous Tourism

  • Providing new markets for the local products: Sustainable tourism development focuses on finding and providing/offering new markets for the local products to the final consumers i.e. the tourists. Its also encourages the host community in involvement in tourism and offering their local culture to the tourists. (Neto, 2003)
Goals and objective of sustainable tourism development

Goals and objective of sustainable tourism development