Aboriginal Cultures of India
Indigenous communities in India are generally rural and poverty in rural communities is higher than in urban areas. There are few landless people among the scheduled tribes, but their lands have low productivity. The most productive land, especially in the lower regions, has been taken over by other communities. There is also less diversification of employment among declared tribes. Aboriginal Cultures in India have always been sidelined of providing quality education and have not been given the ample opportunities to work rather they have been dependent on agriculture and other household temporary jobs.

Aboriginal Tourism around the world
These days’ tourists are fonder of exploring new cultures around the world, in fact tourists now are more keen to get themselves indulge in the local culture where they are visiting rather than staying in a hotel and relishing the facilities of a hotel. Best example is when a visitor visit Australia the local guide would help them to understand the aboriginal culture in the region which is beneficial both for the tourist as well as the local guide belonging to the indigenous group. Tourist are always greeted in a friendly manner and a marae ceremony is being organized by the community to entertain tourists in New Zealand (New Zealand Maori Tourism Society, 2012)
International tourists who are in search of a good hiking place can visit various regions of northern Vietnam surrounded by mountains; this place is occupied by the local villagers or the indigenous community. They wear (local community) attire which is traditional in nature whenever they welcome the International hikers it also give indigenous people an opportunity to earn money. Tourists can experience various indigenous cuisines at
Navaho hotel situated in Monument Valley Desert has various historical wonders.
Tourists can also learn the various languages associated with the local cultures living there.
According to the national and International laws and regulations, indigenous groups have earned the protected rights which are based on their association with the particular region and culture which are unique in so many ways (Coates, 2004). Canadian aboriginal community is said to be a first nations which has unique language, traditions and rituals. According to the Canadian government these people have been divided into various groups viz a viz First Nations, Inuit and Métis.
Tourism and Aboriginal People’s
The past of Tourism has witnessed extensive misuse of Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal people’s land was misused for self interest of outsiders as well as for the economic activities. Intruders have also tried to invade the area which belongs to the Aboriginal peoples. To gain profit, due to all these activities most the communities were affected in a negative manner. The International Institute for Peace through Tourism has also expressed their concern regarding the same and has chalked out various remedies to overcome the same.

Pacific Asia Travel Association organized a conference in 2014 related to the promotion and development of aboriginal community. Conference was enlightened by eminent indigenous tourism professionals who were from all parts of the world. Various principles were formed in this conference regarding protection, development and employment of these groups, these principles later named as Larrakia Declaration on Indigenous Tourism Development which got its name from Larrakia Nation which is a host community of Australian origin.